Colorless Night
Complete and beautiful desktop theme, one of the best we`ve seen in a long time.
If you are looking to personalize your computer to stand out from the crowd, there are numerous ways to do it. Most commonly people change the wallpaper for a personal image, or install a different screensaver. But why not go the whole hog with a desktop theme like Colourless Night Theme? As you can clearly tell from its name, Colourless Night Theme is a complete desktop theme, with animated cursors, icons, Windows sounds, colours, and the best of all: the wallpaper. A
In Colourless Night Theme you will be able to see a great ship that ploughs through the sea with a huge moon and starts in the background. You will also get various icons related to this theme, sharing the overall colour theme of dark hues. But rest assured that you will still be able to see the icons, as they have been created specifically for this theme and therefore complement the background image perfectly.
In Colourless Night Theme you will get a very high quality image to use on your desktop, where you can see all the detail. And it has been processed to leave space around the edges for your icons, so as not to hamper you in your work.
So there you have it. If you want a beautiful desktop theme that is pleasant in all aspects, then you need a program like this Colourless Night Theme. And best of all is that you can download it for free! What are you waiting for?
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